And thank you for visiting socioeconomics
I have worked in socioeconomic regeneration for over 20 years largely within a social housing, built environment context and alongside large-scale housing regeneration.
My experience includes leading the operations of an £8 million multi-faceted community foundation. Working with social housing residents and their communities across London and the South-East and facilitating workstreams across several social and economic themes. These included but were not limited to; social impact, community development, community engagement, community asset management, fundraising, young people, social prescribing, wellbeing, economic inclusion (employment, skills & enterprise) and volunteering.
I have also strategically led a programme of Social Value in procurement for an organisation with a circa £6 billion pound spend profile, resulting in a host of new social activity, policy, processes, a dedicated team and millions of pounds in equivalent social, economic and environmental value.
Needless to say, I have done none of this alone. Throughout this time, I have worked with some brilliantly talented people, partnered with some fascinating community and voluntary organisations many of whom are pioneering work that is having a real impact in their communities and good businesses that are passionate about achieving multiple bottom lines.
I set up Socioeconomics in 2023 to continue my work with like-minded people and organisations wherever they exist to support increased social impact across sectors.